Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday Update

Just got an update from Amy. Jon is still in the ICU at Long Beach Memorial Hospital. They're limiting visits to immediate family at this point, and even then, visits are limited to just a few minutes at a time.

If you do get a chance to visit Jon and he's asleep when you arrive, the doctors suggested that it's good to actually wake him up and keep him engaged with simple questions. Obviously you don't want to stress him out with too many questions, but some activity to keep him alert is good for his recovery. So if he's asleep, don't just leave him that way.

Be sure to check this website to see when he can have more visitors.

According to Amy, he seemed pretty alert this morning, and he was playing with his Yahtzee hand-held game, continually attempting to achieve four 250+ games in a row.

Jon has had many medical tests to determine what is causing the problems. It does not appear to be caused by a stroke, but it's looking more like encephalitis (although there is a possibility that it's West Nile). They did a lumbar puncture (aka Spinal Tap) and conclusive test results will be in tomorrow (Monday).

They know it's an infection due to his white blood cell count. It's not bacterial, but probably viral (that doesn't mean he's contagious).

They're also putting him on anti-seizure medication, since one of the side-effects of encephalitis is seizures.

Amy is doing well considering the stress she's dealing with. Jon's family and her family were all at the house today, and Amy's sister Ashley is spending the night so Amy doesn't have to be alone.

Lastly, on a positive note, Jon's epidemiologist said she treated a very similar case and that resulted in a full recovery. Obviously we're hoping for the same results with Jon.

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