Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Noticeable Improvement

Last night we went to visit Jon at Kindred Hospital in Westminster, and we can honestly say that Jon appears to have improved quite a bit from when we saw him last Thursday at Long Beach Memorial.

Jon still has memory loss, but otherwise he was conversing pretty well. There was a time back when he was at Long Beach Community Hospital where if you asked him a question, he might answer with something completely off topic. Last night, however, he was on topic nearly the whole time, even if he didn't remember some details.

A good example was when we asked him who was President when he was born (it was John F. Kennedy, FYI). He didn't answer that one, but he did mention that the first president he remembers was Richard Nixon. In fact, he remembered all the presidents after Nixon, although a couple of them he couldn't remember their names (Bill Clinton, surprisingly enough).

He's also kicking butt on his hand-held Yahtzee game. Amy, who spent about four hours with him yesterday, said he even had a 400+ point game yesterday.

So in our non-medically-trained assessment, we see definite improvement. Still no word on how long they expect him to be hospitalized. He'll be in there another two weeks at minimum, since that's how long the treatment process for encephalitis is. After that, we're not sure at this stage.


Karen MacDonald said...

That is very good news! We are thinking of Jon everyday and will send many good thoughts and prayers for continued improvement! Thank you so much for keeping us all posted on Jon's condition.

Anonymous said...

Camella Lobo (Assistant Editor of LCT Magazine) and myself plan on visiting Jon this SUNDAY. We do not have a firm time yet but will probably be late afternoon. Any special visiting hours/restrictions at this facility? Thanks for keeping us posted through this blog. All of us on Jon's writing staff are praying for a speedy recovery and looking forward to his return to the helm.