Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Tests; Still in ICU

Not a lot has changed since the last update. Jon is still in the ICU and has undergone more tests, including a new MRI. Meanwhile Amy has been struggling to get more information from the doctors.

We visited him last night. He was in fairly good spirits given the circumstances, and recognized us when we walked in. But you can tell the hospitalization is wearing on him. He was pretty tired too.

But we are happy that he's at the better hospital now. For instance, Amy's personal doctor called to inquire about Jon's status, and asked who Jon's primary doctor was. When Amy's doctor heard the name, he said Jon's doctor is very reputable in his field. That's good news. The flip side to that is that Jon's doctor has not been very accessible to answer questions for Amy.

The nurses are very matter-of-fact about things there. We understand they have difficult jobs with a lot of demands. Too bad they don't have very much bedside manner when it comes to explaining things to Amy, who's been pretty stressed out trying to get more information.

Incidentally, for all of you who have sent support messages through this website, please know that Amy has been receiving your messages and has been telling Jon about all the people who have written. With her hectic schedule right now, she hasn't had the chance to individually write back to everybody, but she does indeed thank you for all the love, support, prayers and positive thoughts.

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