Saturday, September 1, 2007

Therapists Optimistic

Amy spent yesterday morning with Jon during his appointments with various therapists (speech therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapist). They each performed various exercises with him, and each was optimistic about Jon's recovery thus far.

Amy wanted me to mention that Jon did well at playing Blackjack. You know what that means ... if you come visit, bring a deck of cards!


Anonymous said...

Please let Amy and Jon know that Donna and I are thinking of them and praying for a quick recovery.

A quick question...
I can't tell from the blog if they for sure diagnosed the problem as encephalitis? If so, how did he get encephalitis? Is it a virus? From water? Food? Mosquito bites?

Anonymous said...

Jon is definitely diagnosed as having viral encephalitis, and has been under treatment for that. Exactly how he got it is not really known.